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Get in touch

If you can’t find what you’re looking for on our website please get in touch with us using any of these methods and we will be able to help you.

Lydd Kart Circuit
Dengemarsh Road
TN29 9JH

Phone: 01797 321747 or 01797 321895
Email: lyddcircuit@yahoo.co.uk

Opening Hours
Monday – Sunday 9am to 5pm

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Gift Vouchers

Gift Vouchers can be purchased, either at the circuit or over the phone.
These are an ideal gift for karting enthusiasts as Christmas or birthday presents, treats or friends on a day out

Starting from only £25

Hire Karts

Hire Karts

Our hire kart fleet ranges from Bambino karts through to senior twin engine prokarts. Our prices start at just £25 for a 15 minutes. For events, prices and how to book a hire kart session please click here...

Owner Karts

Owner Karts

LIKC (Lydd International Kart Club) is the perfect place for Owner Drivers, we offer dedicated track-time for owner driver to practice and through our kart-club we host several championships throughout the year, click here to find out more...